本次会议由南京市第一医院心胸血管外科陈鑫教授和吉林心脏病医院心血管外科主任来自意大利的Massimo Lemma教授担任大会主席,并邀请中国、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、比利时等国际多位冠脉外科专家讲课,共襄盛举。会议期间国际讲者采用线上会议形式参会,省内代表采用线下会议形式在金陵江滨酒店召开。
本次大会紧跟国际心血管外科发展的方向和步伐,专注于冠心病外科专业知识和技术规范化培训,就冠心病外科的最新动态进行专题演讲和讨论:包括微创冠脉搭桥技术的讨论,机器人双乳内动脉搭桥联合冠脉支架的杂交手术,桡动脉和大隐静脉腔镜下获取技术,冠脉血运重建团队中心外科医师的重要性,单根动脉桥还是全动脉化血运重建,缺血性二尖瓣反流成形还是置换,作为金标准的左乳内动脉与大隐静脉还是桡动脉行Y 型桥来完成全血运重建?最后冠脉血运重建的灵魂拷问,停跳还是不停跳,Paul Sergeant和陈鑫教授智慧交锋,精选又精彩的选题吸引了超7000多人线上同步参会,与会专家就冠脉外科热点与手术难点问题参与讨论,学术氛围浓厚,提高了我国心血管外科医师的医疗技能与执业水平,推动心血管外科的发展。
Topic -Closing the gap between best evidence and common practice in surgical coronary revascularization.
Topic -Robotic and hybrid coronary artery revascularization.
Topic -Minimally invasive graft harvesting (RA & SV).
Topic -Heart team approach: surgeons’role in decision making.
Topic -Single vs multiple arterial grafting.
Topic -Ischemic mitral regurgitation: surgical options.
Topic -Keita KikuchiMove to MICS CABG—why and how?
Topic -Is it reasonable to use in situ LIMA as the only inflow with Y graft of vein to complete revascularize the whole heart?---more than 10 years results.
Topic-LIMA and Y graft with RA to bypass the whole heart.
Topic-Debate:On vs off-pump CABG
Topic-Debate:On or Off pump CABG----revisited the old topic.
Topic-Deconstruct One, Document One, Simulate Many, Assess Many: anastomotic training 2021